79.5 Sisters Unarmed
Vinyl Sleeve Design
Project Summary
This project consisted of designing a vinyl sleeve for a song we had never heard before.
The deliverables for this project consisted of the front and back of a vinyl sleeve.
Initial Ideas
When beginning to approach this project I was interested in trying many different aesthetics and playing with type. Many of my ideas included going back and forth between what form I wanted the type to take.
Final Sketch
The final sketch featured the type in a heart shape with more structured swirls around it, which was changed in the final design as it made the design too busy. The back design featured the lyrics that would be boxed in although were later changed only to be boxed in on one side to create a looser but still structured feel.
Color Palette
After finalizing my idea I played around with a few color palettes, but I kept going back to the color palette I picked. This palette includes a lot of more vibrant cool-tone blues and greens. Not only is it pleasing to the eye, but allows the viewer to see every aspect of the design clearly since the colors contrast one another well.
Final Design
The final design consists of the title as the main artwork of the single playing with the heart shape to create a faux 3D effect. The swirls around the edges of the design work as a frame and also point inwards as to draw the viewer’s eye towards the center of the design. The back of the sleeve features the lyrics with important parts of the song in a different color with looser tracking to bring emphasis to them.
The final design in Spotify